Ogdensburg residents celebrate their mining heritage at Family Fun Day
Ogdensburg. A donation from the main sponsor, Sterling Hill Mining Museum, went to pay for the kids’ rides.

Candace Bertalan, president of the Ogdensburg Historical Society, said there were a lot of people at the Ogdensburg Museum, “More than we’ve had in years.”
She said she’d been looking forward to a great turnout. The weather was cooperating, with the sun peaking through, as residents came out on Oct. 9 to celebrate Ogdensburg Family Fun Day at the municipal park.
The Sterling Hill Mining Museum sponsored the day, with president and CEO Bill Kroth and treasurer Denise Kroth covering a table on the green grass.
Mayor George Hutnick welcomed everyone and thanked the fire department and volunteers.
He said August Rutkowski would be presented with his award for the Ogdensburg Senior of the Year at a later time. The street on which borough hall is located has already been renamed in Rutkowski’s honor. Rutkowski is a past mayor, Air Force veteran, council person, honorary member of the Ogdensburg Fire Department, and Knights of Columbus Senior of the Year, Hutnick said.
Residents said the “Pledge of Allegiance” and sang the “Star Spangled Banner” together.
The vice president of the historical society, John Kibildis, welcomed everyone on behalf of the Ogdensburg Fire Department, who hosted the day of “fun, entertainment, food, and camaraderie.”
Fire Chief Eric Slater said what really helped them along was a kind donation from the Sterling Hill Mining Museum. He said all the donation money went to the rides for the kids. He also thanked the town council, mayor, road department, police department, Wallkill Valley First Aid Squad, and all the donors on the T-signs as well.
Bill Kroth said the museum was pleased to sponsor the day. He explained that the mine is an educational foundation, with everyone in town welcome to come at anytime for a free tour. Due to Covid-19, tours are limited to Saturday and Sunday, Kroth said.
Schools come to the mine from all over the tri-state area and as far away as Virginia, he said.
“Please, take advantage of what you have less than a mile away, learning about the history and the amazing geology of Ogdensburg,” he said.
Kibildis said the museum has contributed to the Ogdensburg School with scholarships, as well as the firehouse and other organizations in town. He acknowledged town clerk Robin Hough for her help in securing licenses.
Four-year-old Ogdensburg resident Karli was having a grand time. She climbed up the fire station bouncy house then slipped back down, again and again.
“Do you want me to do that again? Okay, here I go!” she said, with squeals of joy.
Editor’s note: This story was updated from the original to correct an error in the editing. Candace Bertalan was referring to the Ogdensburg Museum, not Sterling Hill. The Advertiser regrets the error.
“Please, take advantage of what you have less than a mile away, learning about the history and the amazing geology of Ogdensburg.” Bill Kroth