Children search for eggs despite the cold
Hardyston. Despite a change in the date due to the weather, slightly less than 200 people attended the Hardyston Easter Egg hunt on April 10.
Trenton /
| 15 Apr 2022 | 12:37

The Easter Bunny greets the children. (

Children search for Easter Eggs.
The Hardyston Easter Egg hunt was moved to Sunday, April 10, due the inclement weather on Saturday.
A little under 200 people attended in spite of the frigid temperatures.
Dana Vitz, Recreation Director for Hardyston Recreation, said the Easter Egg hunt “was very well attended despite the bitter cold weather.”
The event was hosted by Mayor Frank Cicerele, and was held at the Hardyston field on Wheatsworth Road.
The day began with the Easter Egg Hunt. The fun continued with an Easter Bonnet contest and there were two winners of the contest. Two siblings won the Easter Bonnet contest, Trenton and Tiana Torppey.
The day wasn’t complete until the Easter Bunny visited and took pictures with the kids.