3 running for 2 council seats in Ogdensburg

OGDENSBURG. Three Republicans are competing for two Borough Council seats in the June 4 primary.

| 26 May 2024 | 05:42

Three Republicans are vying for two Borough Council seats in the June 4 primary: incumbent Kenneth Poyer, Lynn Lame and Richard Gandarinho.

Poyer was elected to the council in 2021.

No Democrats have filed to run in the general election in November.

Here are the candidates’ statements:


Why are you running for the Borough Council?

I am running for Ogdensburg Borough Council to help restore the family involvement that we once had.

I intend to have an open-door policy for anyone who has problems or concerns.

I will work diligently to resolve any issues.

What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?

1) I would like to work on making our taxes manageable for the next generation of homebuyers.

I will try to encourage our council to create a budget that will satisfy the needs of all departments.

2) Focus on bringing more recreation activities for the children of Ogdensburg.

I want our town to become a friendlier environment for our youth.

We need to improve and expand the programs in our community. This way, more individuals would want to get involved.

3) I will work vigorously to unify our mayor and council for the betterment of our amazing borough.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I am currently in the union Laborers Local 472 as a labor foreman.

My career in the past 20-plus years has been involved with budgeting projects and leading multiple crews on many infrastructure projects throughout New Jersey and New York.

I am also the basketball director for the Ogdensburg Recreation Association.

I am energetic, outgoing and reliable. I’m approachable with an open-door policy.

Background and qualifications.

Before moving into the Borough of Ogdensburg in 2008. I lived in the City of Garfield, where I held a lieutenant position with the Garfield Volunteer Fire Department for three years and served as a member for 10 years.

I have three children who went through the Ogdensburg school system.

I have coached for 10 years and have held the basketball director position since 2020.

I accept each task with passion and enthusiasm.

If the people of Ogdensburg elect me to the council, I will work hard and listen to accomplish the needs of the people of Ogdensburg.


Why are you running for the Borough Council?

I am running for Ogdensburg council because I want to bring more activities to this town, bring more awareness and support to businesses operating in Ogdensburg, and help control spending.

What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?

1) Find ways to make the town more fiscally responsible and to also expand our tax ratable base.

2) Find a way to repair our roads and beautify our downtown area more.

3) Have more townwide events, such as Ogdensburg Day, food truck festivals, pickleball and basketball tournaments, and concerts at Heaters Pond. Maybe start a walking/running club.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I believe I am the best candidate because I have been a resident of Ogdensburg for 45 years and love this town.

I have volunteered as the Ogdensburg Recreation Association (ORA) treasurer and as a coach for the ORA soccer.

While owning my own business, I have been responsible for maintaining a healthy budget and for developing good communication skills while dealing with the public.

I am driven and excited to bring new ideas to my town.

Supporting our local gym as a trainer allows me to encourage everyone and enjoy watching others better themselves.

Background and qualifications.

I love Ogdensburg and raised my two daughters here. I fished at Heaters Pond with my dad, then brought my daughters there as well.

I want other families to have the same great memories that my daughters and I have.

I am currently residing in my fourth house in Ogdensburg.


Why are you running for the Borough Council?

I’m running for a second term for town council because I believe in the potential of our community and want to actively contribute.

There’s always more to be done and I want to continue to work to improve public services and create a better environment for future generations.

I’m also passionate about addressing the needs of our residents, from better infrastructure to more community programs, and I want to bring fresh perspectives and solutions to the council.

What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?

I’m currently part of an initiative to review and remediate the town’s lead pipes. I’m committed to seeing this project through to the end, but it takes time and as we are still in the beginning stages of getting everything identified so we may get funding through the state to have the pipes replaced.

I have young children who are active in the town’s recreation. I strongly believe it’s our responsibility to provide our children with the spaces and resources they need to thrive. I’d like to see our town’s athletic fields brought back to life and invite the town’s children to come out and play.

Of course, all things take funding, so I’m committed to fundraising and researching grants for the community. We’ve already had some success in obtaining grants, which we put to work in our tennis and basketball courts.

We are also working on a grant for the local police officers to help offset the payroll to help alleviate some tax dollars so we can move that money to other areas of the town.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I’m super-passionate about the role this position plays in the success of the town, and I’m ready and able to keep working on behalf of my fellow residents.

Background and qualifications.

I am a third-generation resident of Ogdensburg with deep family ties to the community and a lot of love for this town.

I have an awesome wife and two great kids to hold me up.

I work full-time as the chief engineer for a large hotel chain and also run a small business.