2 running for 1 council seat

HARDYSTON. Two Republicans are vying for a seat on the Township Council in the June 4 primary.

| 26 May 2024 | 05:43

Two Republicans are vying for a seat on the Hardyston Township Council in the June 4 primary.

Incumbent Carl Miller faces Anthony Alfano, who was elected to the Hardyston Board of Education in 2022.

Miller was unopposed for re-election to a fourth term in 2021. He defeated a Democrat in 2018.

Alfano also has been a commissioner of the township Municipal Utility Authority and a member of the Planning Board.

No Democrats have filed to run in the general election in November.

Here are the candidates’ statements:


Why are you running for the Township Council?

I’m running for Hardyston Township Council because it’s now time to allow the next generation of leadership to face the new challenges of our time.

What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?

1) We need to upgrade our utility infrastructure so I will hold accountable our utility suppliers to properly maintain their internet, cable and electrical systems so our townspeople can rely on the services they pay for.

2) We need to keep taxes low, so I will use my professional contacts to attract and recruit new businesses that will create jobs for our residents and produce ratables to offset our property taxes while being responsible to our environment and respectful to our rural heritage.

3) Give ongoing support to our police, fire, public works, other municipal departments and school district, so we can maintain our safety and educate our children in a family friendly community.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I’m currently on the Hardyston Board of Education, Hardyston Land Use Board, Hardyston Economic Development Commission, vice president of the Hardyston Republican Club and on the board of New Jersey Civil Engineers.

I’m a past member of the Hardyston Municipal Utilities Authority, past chairman of New Jersey American Society of Civil Engineers and past president of the Crystal Springs Men’s League.

Background and qualifications.

As chairman of New Jersey Engineers, I lobbied Congress for New Jersey infrastructure spending that led to the Holland Mountain Road/Route 23 intersection project in the Stockholm section of town and for future broadband upgrades.

I helped create a commercial water rate and voted for water meters to reward our water conservationists with lower bills.

As a Land Use Board member, I helped change the law to allow drive-thru businesses.

As an economic development commissioner, I’ve reached out to new businesses of interest in our community.

On the Board of Education, I’ve pushed for responsible spending and received the Sussex GOP Intrepidness Award for advocating for parental rights.


Why are you running for the Township Council?

Hardyston is a great town, and I would like to continue to serve to see that it remains great!

I love Hardyston, and I love its people. I have no personal agendas.

I originally ran for council because I wanted to give back and serve this wonderful community. Through all my actions, I have demonstrated that I only care about doing what’s best for the town. I will always put Hardyston first!

What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?

1) Fiscal responsibility: First would be to continue the prudent management of the town finances which has resulted in minimal municipal tax increases over the past 10 or more years. We need to focus on increasing shared services and attracting new commercial ratables to our town.

2) Public services: I will continue my demonstrated dedication and support of Hardyston’s police and fire departments. They are always first on the scene of an emergency, and we need to provide them with the best equipment so they can keep our residents and themselves safe.

3) Recreation: We need to improve and expand our recreation facilities and events to provide more opportunities for our children. Expanding these opportunities will continue to make Hardyston the beacon of Sussex County and encourage families to move into this beautiful town. I would also like to do more to recognize our veterans.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

My experience and track record over the past years of my tenure proves that I am the best choice for the job.

My extensive experience in land use, finance and personnel management makes me the ideal candidate for Hardyston Council.

My experiences serving on various boards over the past 40 years demonstrate a committed service to this town. I have experience working with different community groups and my effort is to always work together to support the growth of Hardyston!

Background and qualifications.

Hardyston residents have placed their trust in me for the past 15 years on the Hardyston Township Council.

As a dedicated 40-year resident of Hardyston, I have served on various boards to support Hardyston, including 20 years on the Hardyston Zoning Board of Adjustment as both a member and chairman, 22 years on the Hardyston Planning Board as both a member and chairman, and 33 years on the Hardyston Economic Development Advisory Commission, currently chairman.

I am a U.S. Air Force veteran who has fostered the ideals of service, honor and integrity since I was a young man.

Before retirement, my 40-year experience as vice president and co-founder of a business I built from the ground up demonstrates strong managerial and fiscal responsibilities.