Where were legislators when Christie did the same thing?

| 29 Jul 2019 | 01:19

    Our Republican representatives, Space, Oroho and Wirths opposed the last 2 state budgets because of serious concerns they have about Gov. Phil Murphy's policies, that our local schools lost more than $7 million over the last 2 years and that this will have a "detrimental" impact on local property taxes. They go on to rail against the maneuvering the governor employed to balance the budget in light of increased spending. I am glad to see that our Republican reps are voicing their opposition and offering alternatives. My question to them is: "Where were you when Christie was cutting school funding year after year after year, etc.? Where were you when Christie raided the surplus funds the schools used to make repairs and update books in order to balance his budgets? Where were you three when our credit ratings were trashed 14 times during Christie's reign of terror? I, for one, didn't hear a peep. If you're going to send a letter to your constituents at least be honest and give the whole story otherwise I don't want to hear a peep from you.
    Pete Compa