To the Editor:
Cheers and Bravo to Harvey Roseff, our local councilman who has again shown his courage, determination, and strength in championing unpopular causes and voicing his objections when he believes the position of the town is at odds or not in the best interest of its residents.
Lest we forget his dogged determination in exposing the town’s overzealous and attempted causal use of town funds to satisfy its obsession for a new municipal complex.
Now Mr. Roseff goes to bat for the children of this town by stating his opinion, that the town’s policy and enforcement of social distancing, when it pertains to sports and recreational areas, is too harsh and draconian. His opinion and disagreement was negatively received by the town council.
They didn’t like what he said, so they publicly censured him.
Shame on you ! Shame on you !
Freedom of speech is the bedrock of democratic government and takes numerical priority in the amendments to our Constitution.
Our town council has taken an oath to defend and honor the constitution of the United States and the State of New Jersey, but that oath was sadly forgotten or ignored because the council didn’t like what was said or how it was said or they found it inappropriate.
To the council: I say we may debate whether councilman Roseff’s manner or approach to this issue was the best scenario to generate discussion, but his right to state his opinion is unassailable and protected speech.
In the infamous words of George Orwell, “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
Your censure is clearly an abridgment of free speech and serves as a chilling effect on future speech. It must be withdrawn!
Gary John Dmoch
Byram, N.J.