Fanale needs to be removed
On June 27, 2014, I received an e-mail from the Sussex County Watchdog stating that Councilman David Fanale was engaging in childish behavior on his Facebook page depicting a cartoon character urinating on a symbol that is often used to represent Law Enforcement Officers who have fallen in the line of duty. The cartoon character also is displaying his middle finger.
The Sussex County Watchdog calls this a childish prank. However I believe this should be considered criminal harassment towards our law enforcement community. The Sussex County Prosecutors Office should investigate, monitor statements and actions past and present of Councilman Dave Fanale and sign the appropriate complaints. The Mayor and Council of Franklin Borough should remove Councilman David Fanale immediately.
It is hard to believe that the mayor and council are sitting idle while Councilman Fanale carries out his hatefulness towards our law enforcement community. The residents and our law Enforcement officers throughout Sussex County and the great state of New Jersey deserve better politicians than what is being displayed in Franklin Borough.
One can only imagine what would happen if it was a member of our law enforcement community or a schoolteacher that was acting in this manner.
Wallace A Zosche Sr.