Cardinal Dolan: 'I pray that understanding, respect and love might grow in dealing with newcomers to our land'
Editor's note: The following is from the Archdiocese of New York:
Dear friends in the Lord:
I was pleased to celebrate Mass at the convent of Mother Saint Frances Cabrini, the patroness of immigrants and refugees, at her shrine in Washington Heights.
I was moved as I recalled her work among Italian immigrants in the United States in the 19th and early 20th century. This work inspires me today as the Church continues to welcome immigrants from so many different countries, particularly in these troubling, uncertain times.
It saddens me to admit that many, some even in the Church, opposed Mother Cabrini’s work.
It troubles me that today in too many places hate and malice are directed against immigrants and refugees – in both words and actions.
As a Pastor, I pray that understanding, respect, and love might grow in dealing with newcomers to our land. I am proud of the welcoming that our parishes, schools, charitable, and healthcare ministries have and do provide.
I particularly call you attention to the work of Catholic Charities that I myself have seen in action on many occasions. I am glad Catholic Charities is increasing services available for immigrants in this precarious time.
Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan
Archbishop of New York