Who will win long drive title?
Franklin. Golfers driving toward Long Drive Championship, scheduled for Friday, Aug. 30 at Black Bear Golf Club.

The popular Sussex County Long Drive Championship qualifiers will determine the golfers who will compete in the 2019 Long Drive Championship Finals scheduled for Friday, Aug. 30, at the Black Bear Golf Club long drive range.
Golfers interested in demonstrating their long drive skill and competing in the finals should mark their calendar noting that the format for qualification has changed with only two qualifying competitions scheduled to be held between 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 13, and Friday, Aug. 23.
Great performances are witnessed at the Long Drive competition. In the past the longest drive was achieved by Junior Boy’s Division Champion Matt Dickson hitting the longest drive of 315 drive to top all adult competitors. Another memory was Tom Fox’s 284-yard drive which was enough to dethrone 4 time Sussex County Long Drive winner Rob Mack who had qualified with a 332 yard drive. Mack vowed “I’ll be back.”
The 2018 Sussex County Long Drive Championship was won by Duane Martel with a drive of 302 yards.
Other 2018 winners who will be challenged in the 2019 Sussex County Long Drive Championship included Senior Men’s Long Drive Champ Steve Van Dyk with a shot of 264 yards, Lisa Coe who hit a drive of 223 yards to take the win in the Women’s Division and Patricia Zakur took the win in the Senior Women’s Division with a drive of 176 yards.
Long Drive Qualifiers will be contested in 6 Divisions: Men’s Division ages 18-54, Women’s Division ages 18-54, Senior Men’s Division ages 55+, Senior Women’s Division ages 55+, Junior Boy’s Division ages 17 and under, and Junior Girl’s Division ages 7 and under.