Space wins award from Conservative Union
Wantage. Space recognized for 2018 voting record

Assemblyman Parker Space (R-Sussex, Warren, Morris) recently received an award from the American Conservative Union for his 2018 legislative voting record.
“The American Conservative Union has long been known across the country as the leading voice of the conservative movement and I am honored they have recognized our work to lower the cost of government and opposing liberal social policies,” said Space. “Our approach stands in stark contrast to the massive new increases in taxes and spending that the Democrat leadership in the governor’s office and legislature are imposing on beleaguered taxpayers.”
Space earned the highest grades of any legislator in the state, earning the ACU’s top award, the Award for Conservative Excellence, for the fifth consecutive year. He has been honored every year he has served in the Legislature.
The nation’s oldest and largest grassroots conservative organization began an initiative to expand its highly touted ACU Congressional Ratings program to the New Jersey State Legislature in 2013, grading members on their votes on key conservative issues.