Reader: Wantage residents! Get involved
I would like to make a correction to the article in Feb. paper. You keep saying about a “Lake Nepalin Community.” We are not a lake community. This is Wastage Township! This is considered the Lake Nepalin area. In the Township of Wastage. The majority of the 720 property owners do not want a lake community. The statement made by Mayor Space about Friends of Lake Nepalin obtaining a loan on its own from the state of New Jersey is correct, but he neglected to state that 720 residents are going to pay for this loan by assessment for 20 years. At least 600 taxpayers are opposed to this. If the Township Committee co-signs this loan then all of Wastage Township taxpayers are involved. The Wantage Township Committee represents all of Wantage Township. Taxpayers, this is your tax money. People of Wantage, get involved. Come to the meetings, Now! Rocco Russo Wantage Township