Treatments recommended for Heater's Pond
Ogdensburg. Aquatics Co. recommends treatments for algae, and lily pads and weeds at the pond. Last day for swimming will be Aug. 24.

Council President Michael Nardini on Aug. 12 reported the Aquatics Co. recommended a broad algae treatment at Heater’s Pond.
The treatment will cost $500, and possibly a second treatment later to address lily pads and weeds, also for around $500.
Furthermore, he said, Aquatics recommended obtaining a minimal several hundred dollar state permit in order to hydro-rake certain areas using town equipment.
Additionally, Nardini said, the borough needs to complete a regular weed treatment every year, and Aquatics noticed an area under the bridge which requires a light scooping out of weeds.
Aquatics told Nardini, if the weeds are left untreated, they could grow over and clog the pipe, thus, preventing water from circulating in Heater’s Pond.
Voting agenda
The council unanimously approved a resolution to return employee Dennis Wottle to his permanent position as truck driver within the Department of Public Works, effective Aug. 1. Councilman Nelson Alvarez was absent.
Additionally, the council unanimously approved an ordinance to add certain stop intersections to the borough code book, per recommendation of Police Chief Stephen Gordon. Public hearing will be held Aug. 26.
Finally, the council unanimously resolved to receive a Little Tykes playhouse donation to use at Heater’s Pond from the MacMullin family.
Other business
Mayor George Hutnick announced the Sterling Hill Mining Museum volunteered to be the official sponsor of fireworks at Ogdensburg Day on Sept 7.
Councilwoman Rachel Slater said the last Heater’s Pond weekend will be Aug. 24, and the pond will be closed Labor Day weekend because the lifeguards will leave for school.
In the event of issues, Slater reviewed the Heater’s Pond lifeguards’ chain of command to contact: the parks and recreation commissioner – first – mayor, clerk, or police. Furthermore, she said, residents need to request if lifeguards are available to cover swim meets or events, because they are not required to work during those events.
Hutnick said Heater’s Pond was recently stocked with fish: a mixture of 200 small and large mouth bass, 200 crappies, and around 1,000 shiners. He said the hatchery recommended one stocking this year - with multiple sizes – and another stocking next year, in order to spread out different sized fish.
Councilman Anthony Nasisi said the electrician fixed the electric connection to borough hall in the corner of the building. Nasisi recommended purchasing a fixed light to illuminate the side of the building and requesting JCP&L remove the current pole and light in order to avoid pulling the connection out again in the future.
After discussion with CFO Michael Marceau, officials decided to replace the inoperable copy machine with a new Savin copier and trade-in of $1,429. The new machine will cost $196 per month, leading to borough ownership.
Councilwoman Brenda O’Dell said the Dog Waste Stations have been put up by the DPW.
Borough Attorney Robert McBriar said he sent a partial draft of the employee handbook to the mayor, personnel commissioner, CFO, and clerk. He said it is a complete overhaul of the prior handbook, including a number of updates, changed laws, federal and state notices. McBriar added, he will speak with the CFO regarding the final chapter of benefits.
Public Comment
ORA Swim Team Manager Michelle Nardini asked to continue a “Pre-team” program of beginning swimmers. To participate in the swim league, she explained, they need at least 20 children to participate, and the pre-team helped bridge the gap.
Hutnick said they will have a meeting with all of ORA to ensure the Pre-team is covered by insurance.
Nasisi suggested the pre-team could be part of the swim team.
Councilman Peter Opilla added, the pre-team could be swim team members at a different level, allowing them to be covered under the swim team insurance.