Snufftown Garden Club plants beds at food pantry

FRANKLIN. Club members plant radish and muesli seeds in raised beds at the Partnership for Social Services.

| 26 Apr 2024 | 01:42

The Snufftown Garden Club recently received a $250 grant from the National Garden Club and Espoma Co. to rejuvenate the raised beds at the food pantry at the Partnership for Social Services in Franklin.

Club members worked with food pantry staff members Barbara Gaschler and Laura Mulcahy to weed the beds and fill them with new organic soil from Espoma.

Radish and muesli seeds were planted. When the danger of frost is gone, the beds will be planted with live vegetable plants.

The food pantry staff will take over the care of the beds.

The club has three beds in the Hardyston Township Community Garden, where members plant vegetables throughout the growing season.

The vegetables are harvested by Girl Scouts Troop #96266 and donated to the food pantry.

In addition, the club collects food donations and deposit bottles at its monthly meeting. The money earned from the return of deposit bottles is used to purchase additional food and hygiene items for the pantry.

Since beginning this project, the club has donated more than 110 bags of food and hygiene items to be distributed by the food pantry.