Snufftown Garden Club installs new officers
Vernon. The Snufftown Garden Club installed its newest officers at a recent meeting. The club meets on the third Wednesday of the month, starting March 18, at the Vernon PAL building.

The Snufftown Garden Club recently held its installation ceremony to induct a new Executive Board for the 2020-2022 term.
The Club operates under the auspices of the Garden Club of New Jersey and National Garden Clubs.
The new officers are: Joanne DeSantis, first vice president; Mardella Venable, second vice president; Barbara Whitman, recording secretary, Judy Filippini, treasurer, Nancy Carlson, president; Maria Dorsey, outgoing president and installing officer.
The club meets on the third Wednesday of the month (with the exception of January and February) at 7 p.m. at the Vernon PAL Building.
The first meeting of the new year will take place on March 18.
For information about the club, contact Nancy Carlson ( and follow on Facebook.