Road bowlers sought for Jefferson Day competition

LAKE HOPATCONG —Jefferson Township Day XXVIII is scheduled for Saturday, July 12; and the Jefferson Arts Committee is seeking teams to participate in the ninth annual Irish Road Bowling Competition.
This unique 400-year-old game is rooted deep in Ireland, and teams consisting of four members each – male, female, or combined -- are needed. Participants must be at least 16 years of age to play. There is a $10 entry fee per team and a maximum of ten teams so register early.
In road bowling, the alley is a country road approximately one mile long, and it is not officially closed so it’s important to stay alert for vehicles! The road will be played “as is” – uphill, downhill, and winding. The road in this competition will be Catholic Charities Way off Weldon Road in the Department of Persons with Disabilities’ facility known as Wiegand Farms.
There’s no stopping the ball when it’s moving and there are no bumpers along the edge of the roadway on either side. The “bowl” is small, black, and dense about the size of a baseball but six times as heavy weighing 1 lb. 12 oz. The bowler is allowed to throw it however he/she sees fit, but the most common approach is basically an underhand fast-pitch softball throw with a running start. Team members will throw the ball in rotation as listed on their entry application. The team who takes the least number of throws to complete the course (similar to scoring for golf) will be declared the winner. In case of a tie, there will be a play-off.
The match will begin at 2 p.m., and the bowling ball will be provided. If you’re interested, get a team of four together (remember 16+ years of age), applications are available at or contact Tom Hantson at 973-697-9181 or no later than July 5. Prizes will be awarded.
For information on all Jefferson Township Day activities log on to or call 973-697-2032 or 973-697-3828.