Ogdensburg’s new budget includes 2.75% tax increase
Ogdensburg. The borough council also discussed integrating climate change into its Hazardous Mitigation Plan, regulating vehicle weight limits on certain streets, and rehabilitating the municipal park.

The Ogdensburg Council unanimously adopted its $3.06 million budget for 2021 at their May 10 meeting.
The budget reflects a 2.75 percent tax increase over last year. The owner of an average assessed home of $220,664 will see an estimated increase of around $71.
Council President Rachel Slater was absent.
In other business
● Climate change plan: Clerk Robin Hough reviewed with officials required questions for the borough’s Hazardous Mitigation Plan. She asked, “Does your municipality have access to resources to determine possible impacts of climate change on the municipality? Is your administration supportive of integrating climate change into policies and actions?” Mayor Hutnick said the borough would support such an integration. Councilman Alfonse DeMeo said the council will monitor the rise of the river.
● Vehicle weight regulation: The council unanimously introduced an ordinance to regulate the maximum vehicle weight on certain streets. A public hearing on the ordinance will be held May 24.
● Community planning: The council unanimously agreed to apply to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for local planning services.
● Park rehabilitation: The council unanimously agreed to apply for a grant to rehabilitate Ogdensburg Municipal Park.
● Fire marshal: Mayor George Hutnick said Ogdensburg has turned over its fire marshall service to the state. Hutnick said if someone becomes qualified for the position, the borough can take back the function under the established agreement.
● Transportation grants: Officials agreed to apply for New Jersey Department of Transportation grants for fiscal year 2022 to help with Phase 2 work on Plant Street and Edison Road.