Ogdensburg installs camera at recycling center

| 15 May 2014 | 01:31

    A new security camera will be placed at Ogdensburg's Department of Public Works yard on Brooks Flat Road to ensure that it is only used by borough residents.

    "The camera will see the license plates of the cars who came in to the facility," Ogdensburg Mayor Steve Ciasullo said. If they're not Ogdensburg residents, the borough police may issue a summons for unlawful dumping."

    The new video camera is touted as an economical way to help ensure compliance with the center's guidelines. The recycling center may be used for cardboard, paper and newspapers, as well as co-mingled plastic and glass. No household garbage or hazardous waste is permitted, and violators will be issued a summons.

    Ogdensburg residents are reminded that there is no limit to the amount of recycling materials they can place curbside at their homes.

    Curbside recycling for Ogdensburg residents takes place on the fourth Wednesday of each month.