Ogdensburg discusses storm response
Ogdensburg. Ogdensburg Mayor George Hutnick reported discussion of how JCP&L responded to the last storm and how it will respond to future storms to minimize power outages. Residents also were asked to report trees that are in danger of taking down power lines.

Mayor George Hutnick reported to the Ogdensburg Council on Jan. 27, that Ogdensburg had hosted a round table with the President and Vice President of JCP&L, JCP&L management, Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill, Congressman Josh Gottheimer, Senator Steve Oroho, mayors and staff from around the county.
Hutnick said they discussed the last storm, power outages, and heard JCP&L plans to restore services during the next emergency.
Additionally, Hutnick said, JCP&L took suggestions and criticisms about what would help towns in the future. He said the topic of “communication kept coming up from everybody.” Furthermore, he said Oroho, Sherril, and Gottheimer have their staffs focused on emergency management, because it ties into other plans they have for the areas.
Hutnick also said JCP&L mentioned if a tree on a resident’s property is in danger of the power lines, residents should call, and they will send their arborist to evaluate the tree. If it is a hazard, he said, they will take the tree down.
Councilwoman Rachel Slater said she told JCP&L about marked trees which still need to be taken down.
Hutnick said he brought up the point of marked trees which still have not been taken down at the meeting, and JCP&L did not have an answer.
Other business
The council unanimously passed an ordinance appropriating $12,000 from General Capital to the Capital Improvement Fund for the Municipal Building Roof Replacement Project. Public hearing will be held Feb. 10.
Councilman Anthony Nasisi explained the borough hall roof is finished. They had some changes once the old roof was off, Nasisi said, because the sheathing had gaps, and some of the Yankee gutters were damaged.
Council President Michael Nardini said the brush removal is continuing, after finishing Main Street, Plant Street, and all of the President’s neighborhood. He added that the free cleanup will remove big brush and trees, but it is not a total lawn cleanup. The project is to make an easier cleanup for residents, Nardini continued, than if they had to do everything by themselves.
Finally, the council unanimously authorized Borough Attorney Robert McBriar to prepare a resolution for a $13,710 borough lien to be subordinated to a bank’s home refinancing loan on a residential property. The bank will be charged any costs associated with paperwork.