Ogdensburg considers Heater’s Pond regulations
Ogdensburg. The borough council said clearly defined rules are needed as the June reopening approaches.
| 23 Mar 2021 | 02:28

Heater's Pond (File photo by Vera Olinski)
With Ogdensburg looking forward to the opening of Heater’s Pond in June, the council has begun discussion of the rules and regulations for its use.
Mayor George Hutnick said the council needs to create a clear definition of the rules regulating the site, including pond use, hours of operation, guest passes, parties, and pavilion rental.
After officials discussed potential changes and improvements, Hutnick said they would next put all of their comments in writing, review them, and make final determinations at future meetings.
In other business at the March 8 meeting:
Well number 3: Variable Frequency Oscillator (VFO) control board: Councilman Michael Nardini said the borough repaired well number 3’s Variable Frequency Oscillator (VFO) control board instead of replacing it. He said the problem was caused by humidity and corrosion to the unit, and that the borough added a dehumidifier to run constantly in the pump house from now on. Nardini said the borough may want to add a dehumidifier to the other well pump at a cost of $300 house to avoid future problems.
Plant Street Project: The council unanimously awarded a contract to Riverview Paving for the Plant Street Improvements Project.
Transportation funds: The council unanimously recommended an award of the State Aid Project to the New Jersey Department of Transportation Division of Local Aid and Economic Development. The division works with municipal government officials to improve the state’s transportation system.
Backyard fowl ordinance: The council unanimously adopted an ordinance to amend land development regulations regarding keeping fowl – including chickens and ducks. There was no public comment before passage.
Land use and storm water ordinance: The council unanimously adopted an ordinance to amend land use definitions and stormwater management. There was no public comment before passage.
Road work grants: Councilman Nardini said borough engineer Mike Vreeland is ready to submit the catch basin grant to the state. Additionally, Nardini said, Vreeland will combine the Passaic Street and Edison Road projects as a large paving job and submit that grant shortly.
Beardslee Hill Loop: Councilman Nardini said they hope to address Beardslee Hill problems, including Predmore Road, with a stormwater grant. They council needs to verify the funds available for Beardslee Hill. Mayor Hutnick said the engineering firm is finalizing the Predmore Road project, and a that new engineer will be assigned to the borough property subdivision and sale. Hutnick said the company’s interest in buying borough property first be reviewed by the land use board to determine its zoning and if the property may be sold.