Local elementary schools rally for food drive

| 28 May 2014 | 12:57

    Stuff the Bus has been a program at local high schools where students generate large quantities of food, place it on a bus, and have the bus weighed.

    The school’s bus that weighs the most wins the coveted “Pride” trophy.

    Although the Stuff the Bus program started in high schools around the county, Superintendent of Lafayette School Dave Astor decided to expand the program to his elementary school. This year, four other schools, Sussex-Wantage, McKeown, Fredon, and Stanhope, have decided to follow suit.

    “We are in a push to get that Pride trophy for the elementary and middle school. We did this last year, but it was only between Sussex-Wantage and Frankford. Sussex-Wantage beat us and we would like to get them back,” Astor said playfully.

    Astor’s involvement in the local food pantry started when he became a member of the Hampton Rotary. On May 14, they held a golf outing to benefit the local food pantry.

    Michael Gall, principal at Wantage School, decided he would take the high road and comment solely on his excitement in his participation in the program.

    “Our students and staff really support the cause and it has been a remarkable reflection of the generosity and caring nature of our community," he said. "It is also an opportunity to teach our students about altruism. We sincerely wish all the participants success as the ultimate beneficiaries are those families who utilize the Sussex County Food Bank."

    Last year, Sussex-Wantage donated 4,500 pounds of non-perishable food to win the trophy.

    The last day to collect items is Friday, May 30. Items that are most urgent at the pantry include meals in a can, tuna, cereal, soups, juice, and baby food/formula.