Lakeland seniors celebrating 49th anniversary
LAKE HOPATCONG — The Lakeland Seniors will celebrate the group's 49-year anniversary on Saturday with a prime rib luncheon.
Festivities will include an Easter Hat Parade with prizes for the prettiest and funniest. Many members also are planning to attend a senior prime.
During the month of May, the Lakeland Seniors will meet on Tuesday, May 13 and 27. Some members will leave on a cruise to Bermuda on May 5 and will be back in time for the May 12 trip to Mt. Airy. On May 15, members will travel to Tom's River for a luncheon and boat ride on the Toms River.
On May 13 and 27, members will meet at Camp Jefferson on Weldon Road in Lake Hopatcong, NJ. Members gather for BINGO at 1 p.m., followed by a short meeting and refreshments. Any resident of Jefferson Township, 55 years or older, is welcome to attend a meeting and join the club. Annual dues are $20.
Every Tuesday at 10 a.m., club members participate in line dancing at Camp Jefferson. Beginners or experienced are welcome to attend. At 11:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays members play cards and various other games, also at Camp Jefferson. Once the weather warms up there will be monthly trips to the local miniature golf course.
May 12 is the date for the monthly trip to Mt. Airy. The bus will leave from Camp Jefferson at 9 a.m. and return by 4:30 p.m. Tickets are $25 per person and those who attend receive $25 in slot cash and a $10 food coupon.
For reservations or additional information, please call Emily at 973-663-1294 or Janet at 973-663-0841. The monthly trip is open to all.