Lafayette council approves of no passing zone

| 22 Apr 2014 | 11:19

    The Township Committee passed a resolution in support of a "No Passing Zone" sign on a troublesome stretch of Route 94.

    The Department of Transportation, after months of investigating the intersection of Route 94 and Sunset Inn Road, identified the need for the sign and requested the township committee pass the resolution.

    “Based on (The Bureau of Traffic Engineering) investigation, they identified that it is not compliant with their requirements and therefore it needs a resolution by the township for designating a no passing zone so as to comply with the state regulations,” Mayor Richard Hughes said.

    This resolution from the DOT is unrelated to the ongoing investigation of Route 94 and Sunset Inn Road intersection, where numerous accidents have occurred. In response to the accidents, township officials have requested a traffic light to prevent accidents. Officials said the township has done its part and is whating for DOT.

    “I spoke with the DOT last week and everything is approved, we are just waiting for them to come and do something,” said Committeeman John D’Angeli.