Lafayette committee sets attendance policy

| 14 May 2014 | 01:34

    The Lafayette Township Committee agreed to a police that would allow the body to terminate the appointment of a member after three consecutive unexcused absences from regular township meetings on May 6.

    “We have had issues in the past where members stopped attending for six months at a time and we need to have a policy where we can terminate the appointment after three consecutive meetings," Committeeman Richard Bruning said. "Then, we have discretion to take action."

    According to state statute the office of any person appointed to a specific term shall be deemed vacant whenever a member fails to attend four regular meetings without excuse. The statute also states the committee may vacate a member after four consecutive unexcused meetings or adopt their own policy and consider termination of a member after three.

    After discussion on the matter, the committee voted 5-0 to put into effect the new policy which will allow them to take action on a committee member after three unexcused consecutive meetings.