Lafayette amends holiday sign ordinance
LAFAYETTE — The Lafayette Township Committee adopted an ordinance amending regulations to temporary holiday signs.
The amended ordinance will adjust a few parts of Chapter XII in the Revised General Ordinances Lafayette. The requirement for a permit fee previously did not apply to 6 types of signs but will now include temporary holiday season signs.
Special promotions, events, and seasonal signs have a list of limitations, which now include two new adjustments. The sign shall be professionally printed and any sign that is deemed inappropriate or inconsistent with the ordinance may be subject to modification and/or removal by the township.
A new part of Section 3 will include a list of eight items under the title Temporary Holiday Season Signs. Under this section, the holiday season is clearly stated to run from 7 days before Thanksgiving to Jan. 8 each year. Regulations include the limit of only one temporary sign for each property, the allowance of double-sided signs, and the exclusion of a sign no larger than 24 square feet.
The ordinance was first introduced at the township meeting on May 20.