Hardyston Middle School student Clarisse Simbulan holds a check and silver medal for taking second place in the state American Legion Coloring Contest. With her are Sussex County 2nd Vice Commander Monica Flynn, County Commander John Hanson, Sgt. Francis M. Glynn Franklin American Legion Post 132 Chaplain Robert Caggiano and past Post 132 Commander John Hanson. (Photo provided)
Clarisse Simbulan of Hardyston Middle School placed first in Sussex County and second in New Jersey in the annual American Legion Coloring Contest.
She is believed to be the first winner from Sussex County to place in the top three statewide.
The contest is open to all fourth- and fifth-grade students in the state.
State officials and representatives of Sgt. Francis M. Glynn Franklin American Legion Post 132 presented a silver medal, check and gift to Clarisse at her school.