Hardyston schedules strategic planning meetings
Hardyston. The Hardyston Township School District is planning three strategic planning sessions on Oct. 20, Nov. 10 and Dec. 15 to find out what the community wants for the township’s schools.

The Hardyston Township School District is planning three upcoming meetings to discuss the district’s strategic planning meetings.
Hardyston Chief School Administrator Mike Ryder said strategic planning should be done every five years.
“Strategic Planning is a way for the community to get involved in the planning process for the next five years in the district,” Ryder said.
The sessions are conducted by the New Jersey School Boards Association. The meetings will take place at the Hardyston Middle School on three Wednesdays: Oct. 20, Nov. 10 and Dec. 15.
Ryder said that the goal of the meetings is “to get the pulse of the community for what is important and wanted for their schools.” In addition, Ryder said his responsibility is to “craft district goals” to support the community and the school’s staff visions.
Ryder’s first Strategic Planning was done five years ago which was the year he became Hardyston School Superintendent. The meetings are open to friends, neighbors, administrators, and teachers to provide all the goals they would like to see come into fruition for Hardyston Township School District.
“Since I began five years ago, we have come a long way,” Ryder said. “The goal now is to continue to go forward and do great things for the kids.”