Hardyston Girl Scout Cadettes volunteer to clean up park, community garden

Girl Scout Leader Anna-Marie Jensen, for Troop 96266, told the Advertiser that the girls have decided as a troop that they would like to improve their Hardyston community.
Jensen said the girls scheduled a park clean-up in the beginning of April and met at the Hardyston Sports & Recreation Complex located on Wheatsworth Road. “The girls were armed with gloves, grabbers and a bunch of trash bags to clean up the garbage from all the fields and the playground on the complex.”
The girls also volunteered at the Hardyston Community Garden on May 4 to prepare the garden for planting. The troop turned over 20 garden beds and pulled weeds for the members of the garden that are not able to do the work themselves.
“They are an amazing group of young ladies, and it is a privilege to witness all they have accomplished,” their leader Jensen stated.
The scouts are all in seventh grade and are second-year Cadettes. They have been in scouting since the troop was founded in 2014.