Volunteers toiled through the sweltering heat (Photo provided)

Volunteers toiled through the sweltering heat (Photo provided)

(Photo provided)
Vernon. “Extreme Home Makeover,” move over!
The announcer’s booth at Maple Grange Park in Vernon underwent a complete facelift, thanks to the parents of Vernon Youth Football and Cheer.
There will be no doubt you’re in Vernon Country now when you’re at Maple Grange Park.
Despite the blazing heat, volunteers spent the day painting the building, and Vernon High School teacher Lindsay McAloney added the finishing touches to create this showcase of Vernon Pride for local youth sports.
Vernon Recreation thanks Nickolas Lynn, Greg Carter, Jeanette Leggour, Jessica Labita, Rob and Holly Hoffman, Bob Fasse, Lindsay and John McAloney, Scott Fudger, Sandra Stowowy, and the township’s Department of Public Works’ parks team for their hard work.