Cedar Mountain students celebrate Flag Day

Keeping in the tradition of school children, particularly Kindergarten children, Cedar Mountain Primary School honored the flag, June 14, at their Patriotic Sing-Along.
With clear, innocent voices, students recited facts, such as: “The American flag flies from sunrise to sunset; the red color stands for valor; the white color stands for innocence; the blue color stands for justice.”
All the Kindergarten students sang: “Stars and Stripes” - “Wave, wave, wave the flag” - “You’re a Grand Old Flag,” “God Bless America,” “America the Beautiful,” “Yankee Doodle,” and “This Land is your Land.” Additionally, they recited a poem about America, including “C is for Country of Opportunity.”
Kindergarten teacher Katie Gagliardi directed the children.
In the beginning, Principal Rosemary Gebhardt reviewed the history of Flag Day, including on June 14, 1889, when a Kindergarten teacher, George Balch, observed American flag ceremonies for the children of his school in New York City.
Later, she said, the New York Board of Education adopted his idea of observing Flag Day.
Finally, she said, inspired by decades of state and local celebrations, Flag Day was officially established, by Proclamation of President Woodrow Wilson, to be June 14 – the anniversary of the Flag Resolution of 1777.
In the end, students thanked everyone for coming in a song to the tune of “Bingo.”
Loved ones smiled, as they went forward to take pictures with their students.
Kindergarten teacher Christine Bross said the students did a great job, and they practiced all week to help them get the routine.