Cedar Mountain first-graders become proficient readers

Throughout the year, Cedar Mountain first-graders have been practicing fluency as they become proficient readers.
To demonstrate students' reading skills, each first-grade class selected a story to read in Readers Theater fashion. Readers Theater is an integrated approach for involving students in reading, listening, and speaking. It involves children in sharing literature, reading aloud, performing with a purpose, and working collaboratively with peers
Readers Theater is children reading a script adapted from literature, and the audience picturing the action from hearing the script being read aloud. Readers Theater requires no sets, costumes, props, or memorized lines. Instead of acting out literature as in a play, the performer’s goal is to read a script aloud effectively, enabling the audience to visualize the action.
Performers bring the text alive by using voice, facial expressions, and some gestures. There are many benefits of Readers Theater such as developing fluency through repeated exposure to text, integrating reading, writing, speaking, listening in an authentic context, and creating confidence and improve the self-image of students. Some of the stories classes performed are The Crayon Box That Talked, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Click Clack Moo Cows That Type, and The Very Cranky Bear.