Area podcaster named influencer to follow

LAKE HOPATCONG — Area resident Jeremy Slate launched the "Create Your Own Life" podcast in November 2015.
Less than two years after launching, the show has passed 300 episodes and 200,000 listeners in 175 countries.
The millennial generation views the career path differently, working for a lifestyle that includes access to amenities but not their ownership, favoring freedom and travel rather than the traditional career path. After attending Seton Hall and Oxford Universities, Slate went into a teaching career, but shifted into digital marketing and later podcasting. Due to this life experience, the podcast features entrepreneurs and celebrities that have taken the traditional path only to shift their focus, “create life on their own terms” and have a high level of success in that shift.
The show has gained strong momentum from celebrity guests like to business expert Grant Cardone, Walter O’Brien (Of the Fox TV series Scorpion), Founder of Steiner Sports Brandon Steiner, 3-time New York Times Bestseller Tucker Max, editor Tom La Vecchia and founder of Noah Kagan.
The notoriety of the show has led to Slate speaking at podcasting conference “Podfest,” in February, and features in INC Magazine, Forbes and recently Buzzfeed from an interaction with actor, Ryan Reynolds. Slate was also named one of the top 7 Millennial Influencers to follow in 2018 by Buzzfeed.
In addition to the accolades, Slate along with partners Daniel Gefen and Brielle Takacs-Senske, started new media company “Get Featured,” which helps entrepreneurs to tell their stories as hosts on top rated podcast shows.
To check out the show, search "Jeremy Ryan Slate" on iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play.