Area attorneys lend expertise to Rutgers law seminar

| 05 Jun 2014 | 03:26

Ursula Leo, Esq., and Tom Prol, Esq., partners at the law firm of Laddey, Clark & Ryan of Sparta, recently lent their expertise to help educate management professionals in a seminar offered at Rutgers University.

The all-day seminar focused on Workplace Discrimination & Harassment and was designed to help management and union leaders understand their rights and responsibilities regarding issues in the workplace. Discrimination, harassment, workplace bullying, disabilities and accommodation as well as the Family Medical Leave Act were discussed.

Leo, a partner in Laddey, Clark & Ryan’s Employment and Labor Law Group, is a highly-regarded expert in legal issues affecting the workplace. She has given seminars to numerous local employers and has provided training to private and public entities regarding workplace discrimination, leave issues and the status of workplace law for many years.

“The ever-evolving law regarding workplace harassment and employee leave requests highlights the importance of strong employer policies,” Leo said. “These issues need continuous monitoring and education."

Leo expounded on the proposed “Healthy Workplaces Act” bill pending before the New Jersey legislature. If adopted, that legislation will change the landscape for employees and employers by extending anti-bullying protections to the workplace.

“Discrimination and harassment in the workplace is a complicated issue which needs to be handled appropriately,” said Prol. “We stressed the importance of affirmative policies against sexual harassment, training for employees (especially supervisors), having an effective complaint or grievance process, taking immediate and appropriate action when an employee complains and how to conduct an investigation of a sexual harassment complaint,” Prol added. “The management and union representatives who attended our program responded well and we were happy to help educate them on their rights and their responsibilities in addition to their legal obligations.”