Apartment project review delayed
HARDYSTON. The Joint Land Use Board plans to hear from SMS Hamburg, developer of the proposed Woods at Hamburg apartment complex, at its May 13 meeting.

The Hardyston Joint Land Use Board granted a last-minute request by SMS Hamburg, developer of the proposed Woods at Hamburg apartment complex, to delay its appearance to the May 13 meeting.
The board had been scheduled to review the project April 8.
“Through an email with our attorney late in the afternoon, they requested to carry to the May 13 public meeting because they had some additional legal work to do,” said Ann-Marie Wilhelm, the township’s land use administrator. “The board granted the request with the exception that the developer will have to reissue public notice via a letter to all residents within 200 feet of the proposed project.”
Multiple phone calls to SMS Hamburg attorney Antimo Del Vecchio were not returned.
Members of Dykstra Walker Design Group, a civil engineering, planning, surveying and environmental services firm involved in the proposed project, declined comment.
The Hamburg Land Use Board approved the project last month.
It calls for four three-story buildings on Route 23 near Airgas and Penny Rock Estates with a total of 36 two-bedroom units. The main part of the development would be in Hamburg, with a stormwater basin built directly behind the homes on Fairview Avenue in Hardyston.
Julie Lacatena, who lives on Fairview, has been an outspoken critic of the project. She is concerned, among other things, that the stormwater basin will affect her backyard.
“I would like to add that I am also concerned about the displacement of wildlife, especially since a bald eagle was recently spotted in my backyard,” she said recently.
Members of the public will have an opportunity to speak about the project at the May 13 meeting. It is unclear if the board will vote on the project then.