7 running for 3 Hardyston school board seats

HARDYSTON. Two incumbents are seeking re-election in the Nov. 7 vote.

| 05 Oct 2023 | 05:42

Seven candidates are running for three seats on the Hardyston Township Board of Education in the Nov. 7 election.

There are three slates of candidates: incumbent Susan Lucarelli and Lorraine Menonna, incumbent Nicholas Demsak and Brian Drelick, and Savas Savidis, Ana Bertoni De Oliveira and Renée Maupai.

The terms are for three years.


My goals are to ensure that children receive a great education that includes math, science, social studies and emotional support both at home and in school.

I believe that emotional support is necessary to help children build a strong mind, emotional intelligence and self-esteem.

If elected, I would aim to ensure that laws that remove parents’ rights to make decisions about their children’s education are not approved in our district.

I would also aim to ensure that the education provided in schools is focused on academic subjects and not related to sex education or other topics that could cause mental health issues for children.

I believe that teachers and school staff should provide support for any emotional, mental, physical or learning disabilities that students may have, and parents must be informed of any issues that come about with their children.

Our school should focus on education and opportunities to help families become actively involved in their children’s academic and school life by using effective classroom management and teaching.

I have a child in Hardyston Elementary School. I do not want her to worry that a boy may enter the girl’s restroom while she’s in there alone. I don’t want a boy present in her locker room while getting dressed for gym. How is this even a school-related issue?

Our children need to feel safe from harm while they are away from their parents. And we trust the schools to focus on safety and education, not making special arrangements for a few that affects hundreds of others.


Why are you running for the Board of Education?

The Hardyston BOE has made great strides over the past nine years I’ve been on the board and I want to continue our progress.

Hardyston needs committed and experienced leaders to support students, families and educators. I believe all children should receive the quality education they deserve, all families should feel supported through their children’s educational experiences, and all staff should have the necessary resources to allow our students reach their highest potential.

What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?

Foster student success: I want to continue to support district goals focused on enhancing opportunities and learning that increase student success, promote extracurricular programs and raise student achievement.

Facility improvements: I want to continue to focus on the improvement of our facilities. We have recently completed great improvements; we need to continue to do so and finally bring air conditioning to the elementary school.

Promote school-to-home connections: I want to support more opportunities for parents and the community to be a part of the Hardyston educational experience through promoting school events, establishing community partnerships and increasing communication.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

As a parent with four children in the district, I have a personal stake in the success of our schools. I have more than 17 years of experience in education and understand programs that foster student success.

As an incumbent board member for the past nine years, I have the tested leadership and proven ability to get things done on the board.

Background and qualifications

I have deep roots in the community, born and raised in town, and am a Hardyston graduate.

As your BOE representative for the past nine years, I have always instilled integrity, honesty and respect into my actions on the Board of Education.

I am running with Brian Drelick to continue to instill hometown experienced leadership on the BOE.


Why are you running for the Board of Education?

A school system serves as the centerpiece of a community. Our students, staff and residents expect the Board of Education to prioritize the needs of all students; to remain fair, honest and open-minded; to ask the difficult questions; to be independent of outside affiliations; and to make decisions in the best interest of our district.

I want the Hardyston School District be the gold standard of districts in our county.

What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?

I will evaluate performance data to provide the support and resources necessary to maximize student achievement. This includes doing what is necessary to ensure Hardyston is a destination for teachers to avoid any long-term interim or open positions.

Our students need highly qualified, highly motivated staff working with them each day.

I will support continued capital upgrades to the elementary school with the installation of an HVAC system to improve air quality and temperature. Plans have been in progress for several years, and it is time for the Board of Education to support this next step.

I will promote greater transparency and communication between the Board of Education and community. I proved this during my prior term by my involvement with the strategic plan, contributing to a brochure highlighting curricular offerings and clubs, and through my support of district events.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I am a lifelong Sussex County resident, the son of two retired teachers, 23 years of service to public education, and I have four children currently in the Hardyston School District.

I understand how schools work, and I have served on the Board of Education.

Background and qualifications

My wife and I choose Hardyston as our home because of the strong reputation of our schools, and I want to do my part in strengthening that reputation.

I am running with Nick Demsak to continue to instill hometown experienced leadership on the BOE.


Why are you running for the Board of Education?

As a six-year member of the Hardyston Board of Education, a mother and a grandmother of five, I have been delighted to participate in the growth of our school programs.

Having taught for 18 years in both private and public schools, I have had the opportunity to engage with some of the most effective and inspiring curricula, witness the bright and shining faces of children eager to learn, and have enthusiastically promoted positive relationships with parents, teachers and administrators.

What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?

If re-elected, I will continues to focus on the best possible practices for educating each and every one of our children with an emphasis on developing their individual abilities.

I will continue to support our staff as they seek to enhance their educational goals, particularly in math, reading proficiency, the sciences and social studies.

I will be mindful of the cost associated with an excellent education but seek to ease some of the burden on taxpayers.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

My background, with master’s degrees in both psychiatric social work and special education, have provided me with a comprehensive view of education with emphasis on the “whole” child.

I have founded and am currently director of Hugs Across America, a national organization that provides teddy bears for children in crisis, and believe that all of our children need an accepting, supportive environment in which to grow.

Background and qualifications

It has been an honor to walk alongside our students on their journey to discover their unique strengths, and I would like to continue to do so.

Our children deserve the best possible education that we as a community can provide. It’s not just about test scores, although we have and must continue to improve them; but education is about encouraging all of our students to seek a future full of possibilities, with a broad range of knowledge and the confidence to forge paths that are just right for them.


Why are you running for the Board of Education?

I feel I can bring balance and transparency to what is happening in our schools. I am running for one reason: our children.

I’ve lived in Hardyston since 2004 and my three boys are currently students in the district. As a parent I have experienced in depth and in person the critical issues facing our schools.

The children have been put aside in order for state Board of Education to implement policies that leave the parents out of the discussion. This leaves our kids unprotected.

I believe that with my 26 years of experience in law enforcement and as an involved parent and former Hardyston school employee, I will have a unique advantage when facing the district’s challenges and bring a different perspective.

The state BOE is not listening to the parents. They are implementing policies that aren’t aimed at proper and basic education. Instead, they have passed new rules to allow male students who identify as a female to enter a girl’s bathroom, locker room and sex education classes.

If the local school districts do not accept these controversial policies at their schools, they may not receive state funding. This directly would affect the same children they are trying to protect. It makes no sense.

Make it make sense. Putting a spotlight on one group of children only puts other children at a disadvantage.

I am firmly passionate about education and believe every child deserves to be taught in a safe and secure setting. The board deserves the most suitable candidates that represent our community.

If elected, I will continually push for excellence and fairness, ask tough questions, and demand transparency.

I look forward to working together to secure quality education for all our children.


Why are you running for the Board of Education?

I am running for a position on the Board of Education for one reason: To keep Hardyston the exceptional place it is.

With challenging economic conditions locally and nationally, I feel it’s my duty to ensure that all residents are getting the most for their taxes. Taxpayers are equal partners in the district, and we must ensure the money spent is done properly while also making sure the education our children receive is of the highest quality. That’s what makes Hardyston a great place!

What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?

Do everything we can to not increase taxes.

Re-evaluate the district budget and find creative ways to get the most from every dollar we spend.

Work with faculty, staff and administration to generate a cohesive environment for learning and working while keeping our community in mind.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I am a longtime resident, taxpayer and mother, and I’ve worked in a Board of Education providing 25 years of service.

My experience will be beneficial for our Hardyston community.

Background and qualifications

I’ve raised two daughters who benefited from public education. I was heavily involved in the PTOs of their schools and chaired fundraisers that contributed scholarship money for their schools.

My background working in a New Jersey Board of Education was invaluable and gave me first-hand knowledge of the curriculum as well as the internal functions of schools.


As a longtime active resident of Hardyston, I have a vested interest in the school system, which is at the heart of our community.

With more than 35 years of experience as a business owner and property manager, I can quickly identify the root cause of issues preventing success and find solutions.

I have the time, energy, resources and relationships with educational experts - many creating some of the best educational systems in our state - to dedicate toward developing a brighter academic future for our youth.

I support refocusing on classical education, from STEM to vo-tech, that will prepare our children to succeed.

As well, as we strive for inclusion, the goal must be to help all students reach their potential; not favoring one group to the detriment of another, which would be the result of policy 5756.

As written, biological boys will be allowed to compete in girls sports, effectively erasing the hard-won opportunities earned by past generations who fought for girls sports teams: a level playing field, scholarships and a path toward achievement for these athletes.

While we need solutions that promote inclusion, we cannot send the message to our girls that they are valued less than other groups. This policy eliminates safe spaces for girls in locker rooms and bathrooms, inviting high-cost issues that have already occurred in other communities adopting similar mandates.

Teachers must be empowered to focus on teaching their students with parental support. I have gone to Freehold, Trenton, Hanover and many other locations on behalf of our community.

As a BOE member, I will continue to fight for our families and to promote excellence in education. Please attend the Board of Education meeting on Oct. 10 to voice your opinion and repeal 5756.

RIA SMITH (write-in candidate)

Why are you running for the Board of Education?

Hardyston has implemented changes for the betterment of every student, and I would like to see that trajectory continue while being able to share my insights with fellow board members.

I want to ensure that each student has equal educational opportunities. I can easily adhere to all state laws and regulations while making decisions based on the educational welfare of the students.

Most importantly, I care about the children and the educators with a significant responsibility on their shoulders.

What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?

First would be to keep the board focused on upholding and enforcing all state and federal education and ethics laws, rules and regulations, and refuse to surrender to any special interests or partisan politics.

Parental rights should be more tangible to families so they can understand the enormous rights that they have and stop investing energy in vague resolutions that take time and money and risk costly legal action that gets passed on to the taxpayer while threatening state funding.

Growth in investment in curriculum and program should continue and be expanded, while alternative funding is explored. Teachers are being asked to meet more and more requirements with less staffing and more significant student needs; they need support to reach these educational goals.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

My experience as a legal education advocate makes me the ideal candidate for any Board of Education, and I am the proud parent of two Hardyston graduates.

I understand school funding and creatively exhaust all programs and services available to families working with school staff.

Background and qualifications

I have worked as a legal education advocate serving families in Sussex County and families in seven additional New Jersey counties for the past 10 years. I have assisted families as a private consultant in special-education law.

I have served on many town, county and state committees and boards that address education. There is nothing quite like a child’s eyes lighting up when they feel safe, confident, happy and proud of themselves and the competency they have built. This is the greatest joy I experience as an advocate and parent.