27 compete in Science Fair
OGDENSBURG. Students in grades 5-8 could chose an experiment, STEM project, invention or informational display on whatever science topic interested them.

Ogdensburg School held its annual Science Fair on April 5, with 27 students in grades 5-8 participating.
They presented their projects to grades K-4 classes during the day and to the community in the evening.
Michelle Cooper, the middle school science teacher, said students chose an experiment, STEM project, invention or informational display on whatever science topic interested them.
Bill Kroth, a civil/geotechnical engineer, and Dominic Zampella, a former science teacher who spent 20 years in the IT department at Pfizer, were judges for the fair.
The students who placed first, second and third received meals and prizes from Wal-Mart in Franklin, Sparta Lanes and Skylands Ice World, while honorable mention winners received ribbons.
Adrianna Perea placed first for “The Life Cycle of Butterflies.” Maya Mianowski took second place for “Why Deer Shed,” and Shaye Donegan was third for “What’s in Your Drink?”
Honorable-mention winners were Hunter Garrison and Andrew Garofano for “Rocks and Minerals,” Sofia Lawrence and Katie Sugar for “We Wet Our Plants” and Jezreel Cuevas and Leighton Randolph for “How to Make Oobleck.”