Ice storm poem
Eighth-grader Aileen Ruiz, a student at the Glen Meadow Middle School, composed this poem after the recent ice storm, during which so many different people bonded to help each other. Aileen is a student in SueEllen Helmacy’s language arts class. Twas the day of the ice storm And all through the town No one light could be seen The power lines down Soon to be cut down with care So full of black ice The trees all hung so low down It all looked so nice Inside we all sat around Playing many games Drinking some hot chocolate Making picture frames We had no running water Toilets could not flush Sink filled with dirty dishes And all in a rush The bright lights blinked We all stood aghast In disbelief we stared The lights at last I shrieked with great delight My heart filled with joy The town was so bright Everything was alright We promise not to forget Though many are lost Memories from the visit Of our friend Jack Frost