County Democrats call for candidates
Party encourages people to step forward; training session scheduled Newton At its first full committee meeting of 2009, the Sussex County Democratic Committee once again issued a county-wide call for candidates. Committee Chair Megan Ward put out the call for all who want to run for office or to help others in their campaigns to attend. She pointed out that, “2008 was a watershed year in which we saw people of all ages who had never participated in politics come forward in record numbers and show tremendous dedication and passion.” “Grass-roots America elected President Obama based on a message of change and we can make a difference.” The session called “So you want to be involved in politics?...” will review the basics of running a campaign, from filing paperwork to fundraising to voter outreach. It is designed to help all potential candidates, including people interested in running in 2009 for County Democratic Committee, school board, municipal office, freeholder or higher office. Committee organizers say it is also a valuable introduction for people more interested in working behind the scenes. The training session will be held Saturday, February 28, from 10 a.m. to noon at 93 Spring Street, Newton, third floor. It is free of charge and continental breakfast will be available. RSVP to ensure that sufficient materials are available, to 800-WIN-SCDC or