Four pickleball courts open

WANTAGE. The courts were built on the site of an old ice-skating rink.

| 29 Oct 2023 | 08:10

Residents and officials celebrated the opening of four pickleball courts at Woodbourne Park in Wantage on Sunday, Oct. 8.

Councilman Ronald Bassani said the courts replaced an ice-skating rink that had not been used in decades.

He pointed out that pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in the country. ”I got hooked on it. ... I hope everybody enjoys it as much as I do.”

Bassani said the Recreation Committee would like to offer pickleball lessons and tournaments in the future.

After the ribbon-cutting, members of the Dinkerbells pickleball team of Ogdensburg gave lessons in the game.

The township has been expanding its recreational facilities, adding two ballfields in Papakating Park, previously known as the Berry Road property, across the road from Woodbourne Park.

A new 18-hole disc golf course opened there during the summer.