Your spring vegetables have gone to seed. Now what?
Your sugar snap peas, radishes, and lettuce have gone to seed. What to do next?
Learn how to plan for continuous produce throughout the summer with the Pike County Master Gardeners. They'll be holding a special program from 10 to 11 a.m. of Saturday, July 13, at the Community Garden, located at the Milford Township Building, 560 Route 6 and 209 (just outside Milford Borough).
“Spring crops are a delicious way to forget that winter ever existed," said Master Gardener Anja Kressel. “But what to do with the space that is left when they have given over their yield? It is fascinating to know what plants are 'companions' and will grow successfully when planted after their 'horticultural cousins.'”
The Master Gardeners will highlight their favorite tools. Find out what works best in the garden — from those who know.
The hands-on, outdoors workshop includes an informal session where participants will have a chance to learn the “secrets” of succession planting. You will also get to see the Community Garden, sponsored by the Milford Garden Club and the Master Gardeners of Pike County, which grows vegetables and flowers for the Ecumenical Food Pantry.
The Master Gardeners will be available for any and all questions.
The cost is $10 prepaid (Master Gardeners and Milford Garden Club members attend free). You can register by emailing or calling 1-570-296-3400.
Bring your own chair for the program. The rain date is Sunday, July 14, starting at noon.
Did you know the Master Gardeners sponsors a hotline for all your gardening questions? They are available at their office at 514 Broad St., Milford, every Tuesday between 10 a.m. and noon. Or you can just call drop by with a sample plant or branch, and they will help you solve your problem.