Wind ensemble to play at church

| 18 Mar 2016 | 02:30

    The JTHS Band Parent Association and the Knights of Columbus Council 5510 have teamed up together to display the musical talents of the “Jefferson Township Wind Ensemble” conducted by Richard Barrieres.

    All are welcome on Saturday, May 7 to St. Thomas the Apostle Social Hall located at 5635 Berkshire Valley Road. There also will be an Itlian Culinary Buffet dinner, including salad, bread, soda, water, coffee, tea and dessert.

    Admission will be $10 per person and $5 for children younger than 12.

    Doors will open at 6:30 p.m.
    The Wind Ensemble consists of about 50 Jefferson High School Students performing on woodwind, brass, and percussion families of instruments, along with the double bass.

    They recently performed at the annual “Christmas in the Village” at the Milton Methodist Church.

    For Tickets & Information Call: Debra at 973-409-4594 or George at 973-715-3622 or email