U.S. Water Ski Show Team
to perform on Greenwood Lake Greenwood Lake, N.Y. - The U.S. Water Ski Show Team will take center stage on the waters of Greenwood Lake for an amazing 13-act show at the Thomas P. Morahan Waterfront Park on Saturday, May 16, at 5 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Greater Greenwood Lake Revitalization Committee. Over 25 skiers will wow spectators with stunts that include pyramids, water ski jumping, a ballet line, swivel skiing, adagio doubles, barefooting, and other water ski acts. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for students, and children under 5 are free. “Being able to present a water ski show in Greenwood Lake has long been a goal of the Greater Greenwood Lake Revitalization Committee,” said Cedric Glasper, president of the committee. “A show like this is a celebration of Greenwood Lake’s greatest resource, the lake. Our hope is to bring the community together, as well as draw in visitors from the surrounding area to experience what Greenwood Lake has to offer.” The water ski show is a major component of “Celebrate the Lake” Weekend. With a schedule full of family fun, here’s the rundown of what’s happening in Greenwood Lake May 14-17. May 14 and 15, 11-3 p.m.: Art show and plant sale at the Senior Center May 14, 6:30 p.m.: 6th annual “Taste of Greenwood Lake” May 15, 7:30 p.m.: free concert at the Church of the Good Shepherd May 16, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.: Greenwood Lake Merchant’s Guild sidewalk sale and craft fair on Windermere Ave. May 16, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.: Elks barbecue on Elks Drive May 16, 5 p.m.: water Ski Show at the Thomas P. Morahan Waterfront Park featuring the U.S. Water Ski Show Team. May 17: Greenwood Lake Lions annual craft show and flea market at the Greenwood Lake Community Field (aka DePaulis field).