Nothing says summer like the Wayne County Fair

| 23 Jul 2019 | 12:57

Going strong since 1862, the Wayne County Fair will be held this year from Friday, Aug. 2, through Saturday, Aug. 10, at the Wayne County Fairgrounds on Route 191 North in Honesdale.
The fair offers rides, attractions, thrill shows, grand stand entertainment, games, and food galore.
Its huge midway will include more than 26 big-time and kiddie rides, games, and fair food. It's filled with agriculture events like horse, tractor, and truck pulls; a kids' pedal pulls; and even a pony pull; plus 4-H Club shows, competitions, and animals all over the north end.
The packed live entertainment schedule includes free grandstand shows every day of the fair. The Best of The Eagles, an Eagles tribute band, will perform on Aug. 3, and Terry Lee Goffee offers a Johnny Cash tribute on Aug. 7.
Returning to the fair are monster trucks, car thrill shows, harness racing, fireworks, and the wildly popular demolition derby. Entertainment favorites like Dino Roar, the roaming T-Rex, The Black Cat Hell Drivers, Rosaire's Royal Racing Pigs, and Toodles the Clown are also coming back.
New to the fair this year is Brunon Blaszak's Royal Tiger Show, featuring both Bengal and Siberian tigers, and Larry the Chain Saw Carver.
The $10 admission ticket includes parking, rides all day long, and most grandstand entertainment. Senior citizens (62 years old and over) pay $5 on Aug. 2 and Aug. 7.
For more information about the fair, premium books, and more, visit or call 570-253-2942.