National Cowboy Day

Celebrate the history of the great American Cowboy when Cowboy Larry and his Wild, Wild West Show returns to Wild West City in Byram Township on Saturday, July 27, for National Day of the Cowboy.
Becoming a cowboy for the day at Wild West City is a long-standing rite-of-passage for young buckaroos around the tri-state area, but “Cowboy Larry” Zwickel is the real deal. A national award-winning whip artist, Larry is also passionate about roping. His roping demonstrations and lessons have audience members roping like pros lickety-split. Aligning with Wild West City’s own values, Cowboy Larry intertwines entertainment with education, leaving visitors with new skills and knowledge about frontier life.
This year marks the 12th Annual Day of the Cowboy, designed to preserve America’s Cowboy heritage through education, the arts, celebrations, rodeos, and community activities. Not only are there dozens of live-action shows, rides, and living history exhibits each day in addition panning for gold and the petting zoo!, but on Sunday, July 21, Matthew Dodd will be sharing cowboy songs and stories with the young and young at heart. Learn tall tales through the arts of song and storytelling all day long.
Wild West City, originally conceived as a recreation of Dodge City, features a broad main street lined by hitching rails, old wooden sidewalks and storefronts and assorted exhibits. A day at the park features stagecoach rides, and a host of shows and stunts as scenes from the old west, such as the Shootout at the OK Corral and horse-riding exploits, are played out. An authentic one-room schoolhouse and a quaint chapel, which has actually served as the backdrop for weddings, are added attractions.
For more information about Wild West City, conveniently located just off of Route 80 near Route 206, call (973) 347-8900 or visit the website at