Meet the plein air artists at Sunday reception

| 01 Jul 2019 | 04:45

    If you spent time in Milford this past weekend, you may have seen an artist or two painting curbside along the tree-lined streets.
    Local artists spent Saturday afternoon in Milford's Historic District painting local landmarks, stately homes, and some of Milford's most treasured buildings, as they participated in the second annual Plein Air in Milford event hosted by the Barryville Area Arts Association.
    Organizer Joan Standora was thrilled with the response from the arts community and the choices participants made in what they brought to life on canvas. Twenty-eight painters captured various scenes around town.
    "When people think of Plein Air, they immediately think of landscapes — rolling fields and seaside vistas," Standora said. "In putting this event together, I considered how nice it would be to host the artists in downtown Milford, to celebrate our in-town treasures through their brushes. Everyone who participated did exactly that. I can't wait for you to see their work."
    A wine and cheese reception to meet the artists will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, July 7, at the Milford Craft Show Gallery, 120 East Harford St., Milford. Paintings completed last weekend are of locations as varied as The Columns Museum, the Milford Theatre, and the old jail, as well as an exceptional painting of the Hotel Fauchère by Sullivan County artist Jay Brooks.
    During the reception, the public will have an opportunity to meet the artists and discuss their work. Paintings from this event and 2018's inaugural event will be available for sale directly from the painters.
    "Please join us to see the special portraits of Milford that these fine painters have created," Standora said.