Ogdensburg to flush hydrants

| 17 Apr 2019 | 02:29

    Borough of Ogdensburg Councilwoman Rachel Slater said hydrant flushing will begin the week of April 29, with the DPW flushing at least one hydrant per day, and the Fire Department flushing at least one hydrant during Monday night drills. She continued, there are 100 hydrants, and if one runs clean for 10 to 15 minutes, they will move on to the next hydrant. Furthermore, the street schedule will be posted on Facebook and the Ogdensburg website.
    Each week before a street is maintained, she said, the council will warn residents of hydrant flushing in order to prepare them for possible lack of water or water coloration. Slater also said they need to buy a “Pollardwater Truck Flusher Diffuser with Hose” for $1,575, which will be taken out of the Water Dept. funds. The equipment will collect all the water during hydrant flushing, she said, and prevent flooding.
    The Fire Dept. will start on Main or Plant Street, Slater said, and continue north towards Ave. A and B through a list of streets, ending with Brooks Flat down to Plant Street. Predmore, she added, will be the last street, and they will need to be careful not to break anything.
    Slater said, because the pipes are old, and everything may start breaking, DPW Supervisor Chris Ross will prepare maintenance equipment for necessary fixes. In addition, she said, the flushing may help fix valves and possibly clean catch basins.
    Other business
    Mayor George Hutnick said the Fire Dept. will hold a Landing Zone Operations Course on July 15, at 7 p.m., with a helicopter landing in the field.
    Councilwoman Brenda O’Dell discussed the possibility of a dog ordinance at Heater’s Pond, as long as people clean up after their dogs and keep them on leashes.
    Hutnick suggested a temporary ordinance to allow a trial basis. If they find people are not cleaning up after their dogs, he said, they will go back to no dogs.
    Borough Attorney Robert McBriar said he will prepare a dog ordinance for the council’s review at the next meeting.
    Earlier in the evening, new Ogdenburg Police Officer, Dennis Wottle, took the Oath of Office, as Ogdensburg Police Chief Stephen Gordon administered it.
    Gordon said Wottle will start the Police Academy on April 22 and will graduate in October.
    Wottle grew up in Ogdensburg, served on the volunteer fire department, and comes with a high skill set for emergency situations.