Troop 90 visits camporee

| 19 Jun 2017 | 01:04

Franklin Troop 90 recently attended the West Point Scoutmaster’s Camporee in Lake Frederick, N.Y.
The outing consisted of a series of activities and stations that the boys participated in during the course of the day on Saturday. After the activities on Saturday the boys met at the parade field during the evening where the Academy and cadets had a bon fire and a DJ for the entertainment. The activities included an opening ceremony with a fly-over where cadets parachuted into the parade field. There was also a closing ceremony on Sunday morning where the boys marched with their cadet in front of the commander and saluted the staff.
The boys started the day off at 6 a.m. with reveille and going with their assigned cadet to perform morning PT. Afterwards, they started with the stations which included The Zodiac (10 person raft), fire building, weapons demonstration, Kim’s game (memorization game), first aid, Range Challenge, and the Commander’s Challenge. On Sunday morning at the closing ceremony the boys found out the troop won third place overall in the Kim’s Game challenge.
For breakfast, we cooked taylor ham, egg, and cheese sandwiches and the boys had sub-sandwiches for lunch and dinner. If you would like to join scouting, please contact Scout Master Joe Hendershot on 973-209-1256.