Ogdensburg approves new message board

| 15 Aug 2016 | 04:22

The Ogdensburg Council unanimously approved on Aug. 8 finances for several bids, tabled a new requirement from the state regarding Heater's Pond Dam, and discussed various topics.
The council unanimously approved $4,538, one third of a new electronic message board to be installed in front of the school. Councilman David Astor abstained; and Councilman Peter Opilla was absent.
The total bid of $13,614 was awarded to Stewart Signs of Sarasota, Fla., the lowest of three.
Astor said the new board should be installed before school starts in September. The borough will share the board's use with the school.
The council also unanimously approved on-site and remote IT support for: borough offices, police department, and department of public works. Normal business hours will cost: $169 per hour for work on site and $99 per hour for remote access work. The service will be charged as-needed.
In addition, the council unanimously tabled the N.J. Department of Environmental Protection's acknowledgment letter. The letter would have required the borough to acknowledge responsibility for modifying Heater's Pond Dam and provide additional spillway capacity if: 1. water level reduction changes occur after dredging, related to a project; and 2. development occurs downstream from the dam. Also, if development occurs, 3. formal dam inspections would be required. Opilla was absent.
Ciasullo said the letter stems from the state agreeing to downgrade its original projected storm model size. The model size correlates with the amount of required dam and spillway reinforcement. He added, lowering the storm model size allowed Ogdensburg to save a little money.
Ciasullo also explained, a routine engineering form would be filled out every six years, costing around $3,000, when there are not any changes downstream. Ciasullo said the form would cost less than the current dam inspections completed every two years, for around $2,500.
Ciasullo confirmed the DEP stands behind the letter sent to Ogdensburg, from the state, saying the Sparta Mountain Forest Stewardship Plan will not have any effect on Heater's Pond Dam.
Councilman Robert McGuire said he would not sign the letter.
“Here's what it comes down to, I don't trust the state,” he said.
McGuire then asked what happens if they do not sign the “dictated letter;” and if they need a dam inspection this year.
Ciasullo said he could continue phoning with the state and would ask the engineer, in light of all the engineering work completed for the dam reinforcement project, if a dam inspection is necessary this year.
Astor informed the council, the garbage contract bid occurred Friday, Aug. 5. He said, only Global Waste proposed a two- and three-year contract. Borough Attorney Richard Brigliadoro will review the proposed contracts. Astor added Ogdensburg is on a one-month rate with Global.
Officials also discussed waiting for another quote regarding the borough hall new stair railings and shared services for video conferencing in court rooms.
The Council unanimously accepted Roy Trumper's application to transfer to the Ogdensburg Volunteer Fire Department. Opilla was absent.
President George Hutnick gave an update regarding Ogdensburg Day, Sept. 10. Hutnick said Atlantic Manor will handle the beer truck; and he is still looking for a D.J. Also, vendors are still welcome. Contact: oburg100@yahoo.com.