What can I do?

| 16 Jul 2019 | 01:26

The “What Can I Do?” sheet distributed at last Friday's vigil is a guide for people who want to take action to help undocumented migrant families detained at the southern border. Here are some of the tips included on the sheet:
Contact your elected officials. The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) has created an online form at raicestexas.org that helps constituents email their Congressional representatives.
Donate to advocacy groups like the Women’s Refugee Commission: womensrefugeecommission.org. Organizers are on the ground working to protect children seeking asylum. Here are some other advocacy groups that need donations of time and money:
American Gateways: americangateways.org
Angry Tias and Abuelas: facebook.com/angrytiasandabuelas
Immigrant Justice Now: immigrantjusticenow.org
Immigrant Families Together: immigrantfamiliestogether.com
Texas Civil Rights Project: texascivilrightsproject.org
Report on and document immigrant raids. At United We Dream (unitedwedream.org) MigraWatch encourages knowledge of the law and reporting injustices. They have created a hotline to call or text to report Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or CBP activities.
The American Civil Liberties Union has created a “Know Your Rights” at aclu.org for encounters with ICE.
Join protest marches and "flood social media with updates on the atrocities taking place.”