Sign up for Lanternfly updates from the PA Department of Agriculture

| 23 Jul 2019 | 04:19

    The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has created The Spotted Lanternflyer, an e-newsletter to share the latest happenings related to the invasive Spotted Lanternfly. It includes information on treatment, research, permitting, quarantine, life cycle, and more. The Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) is a planthopper native to China, India, and Vietnam. It was first discovered in Pennsylvania in Berks County and has spread to other counties in the southeast part of the Commonwealth. This insect has the potential to greatly impact agricultural crops such as grapes, hops, and hardwoods. It is also reducing the quality of life for people living in heavily infested areas. (Photo of Spotted Lanternfly infestation on tree by Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: