Are newspapers the enemy of the people?

| 24 Aug 2018 | 03:31

    Not in my book! I have written for many, including this one, The NY Times, and many others in 3 or 4 states. I am writing this piece, after 300 newspapers printed their editorials at the request of the Boston Globe. Yes, I wrote for that one, too. Locally, in this county and several others, I know the editors of many local papers, and those in other counties.I have worked for papers, done national research studies with one chain, and I have written OP Eds, and letters with more than 40, including a number in this state and others. My daughter, as a student, and now, has worked with newspapers, too!
    I agree with the masthead of the Washington Post that notes “Democracy dies in Darkness!” I agree with that idea, and I love that the Senate unanimously passed a resolution affirming that “the press is not the enemy of the people!” That is finally bipartisan support for an issue. I know of no fake news other than one network, and other holdings of that firm! I am glad that Facebook and other social media are standing for truth, and not hyperbole! It also good to that India has the largest number of newspapers sold each day, and that it maintains a free and intelligent press.
    We know here that Newspapers in Education attached to many local newspapers are a vital tool for our democracy, and the education of students on world and local events. This paves the way for those students to learn the news of the day, and to predict tomorrow! Why are newspapers joining together on editorial content and news?
    It is clear President Trump finds any news he doesn’t like to be untrue. It seems his core supporters love attacks on newspapers, and it is also apparent that despots use his news rants to condemn real news for their own ends. There is no doubt that the news media makes mistakes, but the margin of mistakes is low compared to the real facts that make our life better and more informed. I stand with the 300 newspapers and you must make your own stand.
    Bill Weightman